Early-Access Program
Jecta is an open-source development which is ready to handle all bugs and errors can happen. Jecta's aim is developing the best AI Copilot on Injective.
What is Early-Access Program ?
Early-Access Program aims to find supporters for Jecta's development. Each early-access user can test Jecta's first version and give the team feedback for Jecta's bug fixes. This is an important part for the Jecta Team for developing best AI terminal on Injective.
How Can I be Whitelisted ?
At our first version of the Jecta launch, we'll open it for the users who pays 1 $INJ single time to be whitelisted for using Jecta. Users who gets whitelist will be an early-access user.
What are the Benefits of Being Whitelisted ?
We'll be recording all early-access payers support into our smart contract. Early-Access users are the key point of Jecta. Jecta built for everyone, also will be supported by everyone. With this transparency we'll create the future of DefAI together. Early-Access Users will be rewarded at future.
Found any Bug on Jecta ?
Simply fill EAP Feedback Form with including the bug details with images or videos as possible and also do not forget to send your injective address.
Last updated